How is Odissi Different?

Odissi is known for its soft and graceful style. It is a very sculpturesque enhanced dance form where the focus is on the dancer’s bhangis (body bending through the movement of the torso) along with the pada vedas (feet positions), and mudras (hand movements) to accompany it.
Many of the dance poses in Odissi are influenced by the sculpture carvings (thus the name sculpturesque) marked on the ancient Konark Temple (Sun Temple) in Odisha. The Tribhangi pose (three bends along the body) is a very notable pose that is influenced by the Konark Temple and is specific to only Odissi dance.
Similarly, the Chouka pose is influenced by Lord Jagannath’s hand positioning and marks to create a rectangular shape by the arms and legs to showcase the dancer’s symmetry in his/her body. This pose is also specific to Odissi Dance.

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